GA4 Update: View remarketing audience sizes directly in GA

Advertisers can now see the number of users who are eligible for remarketing and ads personalization directly in GA4

Audience Sizes in GA4
Audience Sizes in GA4

Google yesterday announced an update to the advertising section of Google Analytics 4 (GA4). Advertisers can now see the number of users who are eligible for remarketing and ads personalization directly in GA4.

Previously, advertisers relied on separate reporting within GA4 and Google Ads to understand their remarketing audience size and demographics. Audience segments bridge this gap by allowing GA4 users to see directly within the platform the number of users eligible for remarketing and ad personalization in Google Ads. These segments are essentially synonymous with audience segments found within the Google Ads Audience Manager.

Understanding segment size is crucial for effective ad serving. The size requirements vary depending on the target network. For instance, a segment targeting the Google Search Network requires a minimum of 1,000 active users within the last 30 days, whereas the Google Display Network requires a minimum of 140 active users or visitors during the same timeframe.

The Google tag, once implemented on a website or app, collects user data and populates relevant segments. Businesses can leverage this data to create targeted ad campaigns. For instance, a restaurant might create a "Lunch Visitors" segment to target users who visit their website during lunch hours with special lunch promotions.

The introduction of audience sizes in GA4 strengthens the link between audience creation and ad campaign targeting. By leveraging this feature, businesses can gain a deeper understanding of their target audience and create more effective remarketing and ad personalization campaigns.

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