Nielsen and LiveRamp partner for advanced audience measurement

Nielsen this month announced a collaboration with LiveRamp, a data collaboration platform. This partnership aims to enhance audience planning and measurement capabilities within Nielsen ONE, Nielsen's advertising suite.

Nielsen and LiveRamp partner for advanced audience measurement

Nielsen this month announced a collaboration with LiveRamp, a data collaboration platform. This partnership aims to enhance audience planning and measurement capabilities within Nielsen ONE, Nielsen's advertising suite.

Traditionally, measuring audiences across various platforms (linear TV, digital) has posed challenges for advertisers. Limited data integration and reliance on third-party cookies have hindered the ability to create a holistic view of audience behavior.

This collaboration leverages LiveRamp's RampID technology, designed to facilitate data integration and audience insights. By integrating with LiveRamp, Nielsen ONE aims to provide the following benefits:

Cross-Platform Audience Measurement: Nielsen ONE can now connect first-party and third-party data sources from LiveRamp. This allows advertisers to measure audience behavior across platforms, including linear TV and digital channels.

Advanced Audience Planning: Advertisers can leverage Nielsen ONE Ads, Nielsen's planning suite, to create and utilize more sophisticated audience segments for ad targeting. This includes the ability to build and evaluate audiences in real-time for optimized cross-platform TV planning and measurement.

Improved Data Insights: The combined offerings of Nielsen and LiveRamp aim to provide advertisers with deeper audience insights. This can lead to improved campaign activation and measurement across platforms.

“LiveRamp and Nielsen’s new integration allows Havas Media to holistically plan on, buy, activate and measure custom-built advanced audiences as part of our proprietary Converged product suite to better serve our clients,” said Mike Bregman, Chief Activation Officer for Havas Media Network North America. “This integrated solution will enable us to leverage first- and third-party data and we’re excited to introduce it across our portfolio.” 

This partnership reflects a growing trend in the advertising industry: the need for interoperable solutions for audience measurement. By facilitating data integration and privacy-conscious audience insights, Nielsen and LiveRamp aim to empower brands, agencies, and publishers within the Nielsen ecosystem. The long-term impact of this collaboration on campaign performance and industry adoption remains to be seen.

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