AMP Real URL by Cloudflare will show publishers' URLs on AMP results
Google this week rolled out support in Google Search’s AMP web results to link to signed exchanges. This makes publishers' content to appear with their own domain, and not with Google's domain. Cloudflare calls this feature AMP Real URL.

Google this week rolled out support in Google Search’s AMP web results to link to signed exchanges. This makes publishers' content to appear with their own domain, and not with Google's domain. Cloudflare calls this feature AMP Real URL.

According to Google, a signed exchange is a file format, defined on the web packaging specification, that allows the browser to trust a document as if it belongs to your origin. This allows publishers to use first-party cookies and storage to customize content and simplify analytics integration.
Signed exchanges are available in Google Chrome and on the upcoming version of Microsoft Edge. Publishers need to publish both the signed exchange version of the content in addition to the non-signed exchange version.
CDN providers also can provide AMP signed exchanges. This week, Cloudflare announced the rollout of the AMP Real URL, and for free. The rollout will happen in stages over the next weeks.
What AMP Real URL provides as a benefit for publishers? Cloudflare says AMP Real URL will bring brand protection, as publishers can maintain their URL on the browser, easier analytics, as will simplifies web analytics to coexist on the same tracking domain, increased green space, by removing the grey bar on top of the websites, reduce bounce rate, as users will less likely return to Google or the previous website where they come from, and content signing, by protecting users from manipulated content.