Comscore achieves MRC accreditation for National and Local TV measurement

Comscore (Nasdaq: SCOR) this week announced it has received accreditation from the Media Rating Council (MRC). This accreditation covers Comscore's Total Household Rating and Average Audience estimates in both its national and local TV Time Based Grid reports.

Comscore achieves MRC accreditation for National and Local TV measurement

Comscore (Nasdaq: SCOR) this week announced it has received accreditation from the Media Rating Council (MRC). This accreditation covers Comscore's Total Household Rating and Average Audience estimates in both its national and local TV Time Based Grid reports.

According to Comscore, this achievement makes Comscore the only accredited local TV measurement company. It is also the only accredited national measurement solution that utilizes "big data" science and methodology.

Additionally, Comscore is the first TV measurement provider to achieve accreditation based on device tuning measurement across all 210 measured local markets.

The accreditation follows an audit conducted by an independent CPA firm engaged by the MRC. The MRC's review process ensured Comscore's methodologies meet industry standards for transparency and accountability.

Comscore continues its collaboration with the MRC on an ongoing review process. This review focuses on Comscore TV's estimates for households with age/gender demographic breaks and households with compositions. These elements are not covered in this announcement and remain unaccredited by the MRC at this time.

The MRC is a non-profit organization formed in 1963. Its members include leading figures in television, radio, print, and digital media. The MRC's mission is to ensure the validity, reliability, and effectiveness of media measurement services.