Facebook allows users to manage their content in a bulk way

Facebook this week announced that is launching a feature called Manage Activity, that enables users to archive or delete content from their feed.

In Manage Activity, users have 2 buttons
In Manage Activity, users have 2 buttons

Facebook this week announced that is launching a feature called Manage Activity, that enables users to archive or delete content from their feed. Manage Activity will help users to archive or trash old posts, all in one place. See here how it works:

Facebook launched Manage Activity already in Facebook Lite, next will be mobile, and later on desktop.


When users archive content, this content will be available only for themselves, and it will not be visible for other users.


When users delete the content, Facebook sends the content to the trash, and the content stays there for 30 days before being deleted. Users can then manually delete or restore the content before the 30 days.

Facebook says it has also developed filters to help users to sort and find what they are looking for, like posts with specific people or from a specific date range.