Google Ads introduces new security feature

This feature allows account administrators to request users to switch from personal email addresses (e.g., to business email addresses (e.g., for managing Google Ads accounts.

Google Ads introduces new security feature

Google Ads this week announced a new security feature aimed at improving account security and reducing potential misuse. This feature allows account administrators to request users to switch from personal email addresses (e.g., to business email addresses (e.g., for managing Google Ads accounts.

Google Ads is an online advertising platform that allows businesses to create and display targeted ads across Google Search, YouTube, and other partner websites. Account security is crucial for Google Ads users, as unauthorized access could lead to fraudulent charges or misuse of advertising budgets.

The new feature: switching to business emails

The new feature enables account administrators within Google Ads to initiate a request for users to transition their login email addresses from personal to business accounts. This change is intended to bolster account security by associating them with verifiable business domains.

Implementation process

If an account administrator chooses to utilize this feature, they can send a request directly through the Google Ads user interface. Upon user acceptance, the following steps occur:

  • A business email address is added to the Google Ads account, granting access.
  • A one-month grace period commences, where both the personal and business email addresses remain active for managing the account.
  • After the grace period concludes, the personal email address is removed from the Google Ads account, leaving only the busi

Impact on Developers and Users

This security update may require additional steps for developers and users who interact with Google Ads through external applications or scripts.

API Developers: Developers who utilize the Google Ads API to manage client accounts through personal email addresses may need to take action. Once the personal email is removed, the OAuth 2.0 refresh token associated with it will cease to function. Developers will need to re-authorize the user with their new business email address.

Google Ads Scripts: Users who have automated scripts running within their Google Ads accounts via personal email addresses will also be affected. Following the switch to a business email, these scripts will require re-authorization with the new email address.

The introduction of business email logins for Google Ads represents a security-focused update from Google. While the transition may require some adjustments for developers and users who rely on external tools, the overall aim is to enhance account security and mitigate potential risks associated with personal email addresses.