Google dominates Web Traffic, sending nearly two-thirds of all referrals

A new study reveals just how much Google dominates the flow of traffic on the internet. Data provided by Datos and analyzed by SparkToro shows that Google is responsible for a staggering 63.41% of all US website traffic referrals.


A new study reveals just how much Google dominates the flow of traffic on the internet. Data provided by Datos and analyzed by SparkToro shows that Google is responsible for a staggering 63.41% of all US website traffic referrals. In other words, nearly two out of every three website visits start with a Google search.

While Google's lead isn't overly surprising, other findings of the study did raise eyebrows:

  • YouTube falls short of Facebook and Reddit: While YouTube is a huge platform, it surprisingly sends less traffic to the broader internet than both Facebook and Reddit.
  • Search engines are the good guys: Search engines like Google, DuckDuckGo, Bing, and Yahoo are far more generous in directing users to other websites than major social networks.
  • The Long Tail is shrinking: The study found that the number of referrals going to independent websites (those outside the top 170 most popular sites) is shrinking.

Rand Fishkin, CEO of SparkToro, notes: "Google’s dominance in traffic delivery won’t surprise anyone in the digital marketing world... But, until now, I was never sure just how sizable that margin was."

The study emphasizes the continued importance of search engines in driving traffic. However, Fishkin warns that it's becoming harder for smaller websites to get a slice of that traffic pie.

How Can Websites Compete?

To succeed online, smaller websites need to focus on optimizing their content for search engines and find creative ways to tap into the vast audiences of the major platforms.

If you're interested in learning more about how traffic flows on the web and strategies to get more eyes on your website attend their upcoming webinar on April 16th.

Key Takeaways:

  • Google's dominance highlights the importance of search engine optimization (SEO).
  • Smaller websites face an uphill battle to gain visibility on the crowded web.
  • Social platforms are less generous in sending users to external websites.

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