What is Google SGE?

Google SGE stands for Search Generative Experience. Here's a breakdown of what it is and how it works.

What is Google SGE?
Google SGE

Google SGE stands for Search Generative Experience. Here's a breakdown of what it is and how it works:

What is Google SGE?

  • A new way to search: SGE is an experimental feature that leverages AI models to change the way you interact with search results.
  • Beyond links: Rather than just providing a list of blue links, SGE aims to give direct answers and summaries of information extracted from relevant websites.
  • Conversational Search: It understands follow-up questions and the context of queries, making the search experience feel more like a natural conversation.

According to Search Engine Land, Google SGE is right now only being tested in a small subset of US users.

Google's ongoing testing of its AI-powered Search Generative Experience (SGE) in the US has ignited a wave of discontent among users on social networks and forums, with many scrambling to learn how to disable the controversial feature. Online forums and social media have been flooded with posts expressing frustration and concern.

A question on the Google Search Community forum exemplifies the backlash. User Squ1ddy, a college student, vehemently opposes the use of AI in search results citing risks of misinformation and plagiarism. Users are shocked to find SGE summaries involuntarily enabled in their search results and demanded to know how to opt-out.

SGE is currently being tested on a limited number of users without their explicit consent. While some resources exist to potentially disable the feature, reports suggest they might be inconsistent or ineffective.

Students, in particular, express alarm at the potential for AI-generated summaries to perpetuate inaccuracies or present biased information. In an academic setting, relying on AI could lead to unintended plagiarism and undermine the learning process.

The incident raises questions about user control and the ethical implications of forced experimentation. While Google often tests features before a wide rollout, imposing AI-based features on users without clear opt-out options creates a sense of distrust.

Google has yet to release an official statement addressing the backlash. It remains unclear if the company will offer a clear way for users to disable SGE or refine its rollout strategy in response to the feedback.

How does Google SGE work?

  1. You ask a question: You type in a search query as you normally would.
  2. AI Analysis: Google's powerful AI models analyze the top search results and the content of various websites.
  3. Summary Generation: The AI creates a concise and informative summary answering your question directly. This summary appears at the top of the search results page.
  4. Conversational Understanding: SGE keeps track of your previous queries, allowing you to ask follow-up questions to drill down to more specific information.

Examples of Google SGE in Action

  • Quick Answers: You search "What's the best time to visit Italy?" SGE provides a summary about ideal seasons, weather, and crowd levels.
  • Comparisons: You search "Android vs iOS." SGE gives a side-by-side comparison of features, pros, and cons.
  • Topic Exploration: You search "How do solar panels work?" SGE suggests related questions or aspects you can explore, like "types of solar panels" or "solar panel installation."

SGE is Experimental: SGE is still under development. Its availability might be limited, and the results can vary in accuracy. SGE tries to attribute the information to sources where it finds the answers. Google aims to improve SGE by incorporating your feedback on the summaries it provides.

No Official Launch Date

Barry Schwartz wrote about SGE in Search Engine Land. He emphasizes 5 points:

  • No Official Launch Date: Google is still tight-lipped about a full, public launch for its Search Generative Experience (SGE). While it has started limited testing with some users, there's no concrete timeline.
  • Google I/O Speculation: Rumors hint at a potential SGE launch during the Google I/O keynote in May 2024. This aligns with the event's significance for the company.
  • Ad-Free Launch Possible: Schwartz believes an initial SGE rollout might avoid queries that typically show ads. This strategy would protect ad revenue, Google's main income stream.
  • Cautious Rollout: Google will likely avoid using SGE for sensitive or political queries due to the potential for embarrassing or inaccurate AI responses.
  • Opt-Out Concerns: Early testers of SGE cannot opt-out of the feature, leading to some complaints from users who want to stick to traditional search results.

What SEO community is saying about Google SGE

There's a mixed reaction within the SEO community on Reddit and Twitter regarding Google SGE. Here's a breakdown of the prevalent perspectives:


  • Decreased Clicks: Many SEO professionals fear that as SGE provides direct answers at the top of the search results, it will significantly reduce click-through rates to websites. This could hurt organic traffic for many businesses.
  • Content Ownership Concerns: Some worry that Google is essentially rephrasing and presenting content from websites without proper attribution or compensation.
  • Less Control for SEOs: SGE might make it harder for SEOs to optimize content for these AI-generated summaries, as Google's algorithms ultimately have the final say in what's included.

Potential Benefits:

  • Visibility for High-Quality Content: SEOs who focus on creating comprehensive, well-structured content might see an uplift. If their content is seen as the best source for an answer, it's more likely to be used by SGE.
  • New Optimization Opportunities: SGE could create new ways to optimize for question-based searches and focus on providing clear, concise information.
  • Rewards for Expertise: Sites focused on demonstrating their authority and expertise on a topic might benefit in the long run as Google aims to provide reliable answers.

Overall Sentiment:

While there's valid concern for potential traffic loss, the SEO community is largely in a wait-and-see mode. Many recognize that SGE is still in its early stages, and there's potential for it to evolve in ways that benefit both users and content creators.

Here's how you can track the sentiment on your own:

  • Reddit: Search subreddits like r/SEO, r/BigSEO, or r/TechSEO for "Google SGE" discussions.
  • Twitter: Follow relevant SEO experts and track the search Google SGE for conversations.

SEO Expert Blasts Google, claims search engine giant fosters content theft and clickbait

In a strongly worded Twitter thread, SEO expert Katie Berry (@thatkatieberry) addressed Google directly, criticizing recent changes to the search engine's results pages. Berry asserts that the company's heavy use of SGE (Search Generative Experience) and no-click search results actively encourages content theft and manipulative SEO practices designed to game the system.

Berry's core argument rests on the belief that Google's prioritization of ads, sponsored content, and AI-generated summaries undermines the search experience for users. She states that this approach implies the primary purpose of search is sales, leading to a web filled with sites focused on affiliate links and ads instead of providing genuine information and value.

To combat this, Berry offers a set of bold recommendations for Google:

  1. Demote SGE Results: Instead of prominently placing SGE summaries at the top of results, relegate them to a side tab or lower position. Berry argues this would appease those concerned about content theft while allowing users to seek out summaries if needed.
  2. Remove Excerpts: Eliminate featured snippets, "People Also Ask" boxes, and similar features. Berry contends that these encourage content creators to optimize for eye-catching excerpts rather than comprehensive and useful information.
  3. Curtail Shopping Results: Berry demands that Google stop prioritizing shopping results, especially when they are irrelevant to a user's search intent. She believes this fuels a web filled with commercial clutter instead of genuine knowledge.

In her pointed conclusion, Berry places the blame for the declining state of search squarely on Google's shoulders. She urges the company to revisit its founding principles, hinting that the removal of the "Don't Be Evil" motto might be symbolic of a greater shift within the company.

Google's Response

Google has yet to release an official statement in response to Berry's criticisms.