Microsoft expands in-market audiences to the Middle East and Africa

Microsoft Advertising this month extended the in-market audiences to new markets, in the Middle East and Africa.

United Arab Emirates
United Arab Emirates

Microsoft Advertising this month extended the in-market audiences to new markets, in the Middle East and Africa.

The markets are Ethiopia (ET), Malawi (MW), Tanzania (TZ), Zimbabwe (ZW), Lesotho (LS), Mauritania (MR), Mauritius (MU), Namibia (NA), Reunion Island (RE), Seychelles (SC), Gambia (GM), Congo (CD), Guinea (GN), Madagascar (MG), Togo (TG), Nigeria (NG), Saudi Arabia (SA), Yeman (YE), Algeria (DZ), Azerbaijan (AZ), Bahrain (BH), Egypt (EG), Iraq (IQ), Israel (IL), Libya (LY), Moldova (MD), Oman (OM), Qatar (QA), Tajikistan (TJ), United Arab Emirates (AE), Armenia (AM), Georgia (GE), and Kyrgyzstan (KG).

The list of in-market audiences per country is available here.