Microsoft introduces Asset Performance Ratings for Responsive Search Ads optimization

Asset Performance Ratings help advertisers to understand which of the headlines and descriptions are working better in the Responsive Search Ads.

Microsoft introduces Asset Performance Ratings for Responsive Search Ads optimization
Microsoft Asset Performance Ratings

Microsoft today announced the introduction of Asset Performance Ratings for Responsive Search Ads. Asset Performance Ratings help advertisers to understand which of the headlines and descriptions are working better in the Responsive Search Ads.

Microsoft says Asset Performance Ratings provide a new level of insight beyond raw impression counts, to help inform advertisers’ decision making.

The ratings are: Low, Good, Best, or Unrated.

Unrated assets are assets which either have no performance data or insufficient performance data to determine a rating, or inactive assets.

Best rating are helping drive strong performance in the ads and Microsoftt suggests adding more assets like them.

Good performing assets are the core component of any solidly performing Responsive Search Ad and Microsoft suggests keeping or adding more assets like them.

Low performing assets have, comparatively, not performed well, and should be edited or removed to make room for better performing assets.

Responsive search ads make creating and testing ads easier by automating the creation of your ad. Advertisers can provide up to 15 headlines and 4 descriptions, and Microsoft creates and matches the most optimal combinations to create effective ads. These combinations can contain up to three titles and two descriptions.

Responsive Search Ads (RSA) became available to all Microsoft Advertising customers earlier this year, and according to Microsoft, clients using RSAs saw on average an increase of 13% in clicks, 16% in conversions, 6% in conversion rate, and a decrease of 2% in CPA, in June.