Nielsen brings deduplicated YouTube CTV measurement to the UK

Nielsen launched deduplicated YouTube CTV campaign measurement in the UK, allowing advertisers to track audience reach and ad frequency across devices.

Nielsen brings deduplicated YouTube CTV measurement to the UK
YouTube UK

Nielsen, a leading media analytics company, announced a significant advancement in YouTube Connected TV (CTV) campaign measurement for the UK market. This update introduces deduplication, allowing advertisers to track audience reach and frequency across YouTube CTV ads, mobile devices, and computers.

Traditionally, measuring advertising campaigns across different devices has been a challenge. Nielsen's solution integrates YouTube CTV measurement into its Nielsen ONE Ads platform, a cross-platform measurement suite. This enables advertisers to:

  • Compare Reach Across Screens: Gain a holistic view of how many viewers see their YouTube ads across computers, mobile devices, and CTV platforms.
  • Manage Frequency: Ensure viewers aren't bombarded with the same ad repeatedly by tracking exposure across devices.
  • Verify Audience: Obtain a more accurate picture of the audience reached by their YouTube campaigns.

The ability to deduplicate YouTube CTV ad measurement offers several advantages for advertisers:

  • Improved Campaign Performance: By understanding true reach and frequency, advertisers can optimize campaigns for better results.
  • Deeper Audience Insights: Gaining a more comprehensive view of the audience across devices empowers advertisers to tailor their strategies for maximum impact.
  • Increased Confidence in Data: Deduplication fosters trust in campaign measurement data, allowing advertisers to make informed decisions.

The launch of deduplicated YouTube CTV measurement in the UK marks a significant step towards more precise cross-platform campaign measurement. Nielsen plans to expand this functionality to additional markets throughout Q3 2024. This development signifies a growing focus within the advertising industry on accurate cross-device campaign measurement, empowering advertisers to optimize their strategies and maximize return on investment.

The rollout of deduplicated metrics across screens is phased:

  • 3-Screen Deduplication (Mobile, Computer, CTV):
    • UK: Launched in Q2 2024 (already live)
    • Germany, India, Italy, South Korea, Australia, Indonesia, Japan, Mexico, Philippines, Thailand: Q3 2024
    • Additional markets to be announced later in 2024
  • 4-Screen Deduplication (Mobile, Computer, Linear TV, CTV):
    • Indonesia, Mexico, Philippines, Thailand, South Korea, and UK: Second half of 2024
    • Remaining markets to be announced