Substack introduces private newsletters

Substack today announced the introduction of Private Substacks, using a new “invite-only” mode.

private newsletters
private newsletters

Substack today announced the introduction of Private Substacks, using a new “invite-only” mode. According to Substack, a Private Substack is a secret newsletter that a user can host alone or invite others to join. With invite-only mode, only the user and any subscribers they invited can access to the posts.

Substack users that want to switch to a private Substack, can go to the Settings page and check the box that says “Invite-only mode.”

After a user enables invite-only mode, he/she can add more people from a special invite page.

Substack with paid subscriptions can also allow the paying subscribers to invite a limited number of friends. If their invites accept, they’ll be added as free signups.

Substack is a newsletter service, founded in 2017, that enables users to create paid newsletters.