AcuityAds integrates Tapad to increase DSP cross-device capabilities

AcuityAds last month partnered with Tapad to enhance their existing cross-device solution, especially on its cross-channel Connected TV offering.


AcuityAds last month partnered with Tapad to enhance their existing cross-device solution, especially on its cross-channel Connected TV offering.

According to Tapad, their solution - Tapad Graph - will complement AcuityAds’ own cross-device data set across their Demand Side Platform (DSP). This means unduplicated reach across desktop, tablet, mobile and CTV devices - while augmenting the video offering.

“With increasing marketing complexities, consumer device usage and new data regulations, our decision regarding the partnership was an important one. The Tapad Graph’s privacy-safe identifiers for consumer notice and choice, as well as the ability to opt-out at any point, were critical factors in our decision who to partner with,” said Tom Woods, Vice President of Products at AcuityAds.