Advertising industry bodies scrutinized for lack of objectivity

The article highlights a potential conflict of interest due to the financial ties between these organizations and big tech companies like Google.

Advertising industry bodies scrutinized for lack of objectivity
Wolf in sheep's clothing

A recent article by Ian Colley, CMO and EVP at The Trade Desk, published on The Current, raises concerns about the objectivity of major advertising industry bodies. The article highlights a potential conflict of interest due to the financial ties between these organizations and big tech companies like Google.

Colley points to a peculiar pre-conference instruction given to speakers at an industry event. They were advised to avoid criticizing Google, despite the ongoing Department of Justice (DOJ) lawsuit alleging anti-competitive practices by the tech giant.

The article argues that the advertising industry is facing major disruptions, including cookie deprecation, the rise of connected TV and digital audio, and privacy-focused identity solutions. According to Colley, this critical juncture demands objective guidance from industry bodies representing advertisers and publishers.

Colley cites examples from other industries like retail and finance, where established industry bodies actively advocate for their members' interests and influence legislation. He contrasts this with the advertising industry, where major organizations appear reluctant to challenge the dominance of "walled gardens" like Google.

The article suggests a potential conflict of interest due to the financial support major industry bodies receive from big tech companies like Google. Colley highlights Google's sponsorship of recent industry events and its presence on the "strategic partners" list of many advertising organizations.

This financial dependence on big tech players raises questions about the objectivity of industry bodies' advocacy efforts. Colley argues that relying on Google's funding could hinder effective representation of advertisers, publishers, and consumers.

Open Internet vs. Walled Gardens

The article emphasizes the importance of the open internet as a platform for advertisers to reach target audiences and support content creators. Colley expresses concern that the current situation might favor walled gardens over the open internet, potentially hindering growth and entrepreneurship.

Call for a new approach

The article concludes by calling for a new approach within the advertising industry. Colley urges the creation of industry associations that are independent of big tech influence and can advocate for a healthy ad ecosystem that benefits all stakeholders.

The Trade Desk's Perspective

It's important to note that The Current is owned and operated by The Trade Desk, a competitor of Google in the ad tech space. While the article raises valid concerns, it's beneficial to consider perspectives from other industry players and independent sources for a more comprehensive understanding of the situation.