Amazon DSP unveils pre-flight campaign pacing recommendations

This update introduces pre-flight recommendations for two key settings: maximum average cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) and line-item frequency caps.

Amazon DSP unveils pre-flight campaign pacing recommendations
Amazon pre-flight campaign pacing recommendations

Amazon DSP last month announced a new feature designed to streamline campaign setup for advertisers. This update introduces pre-flight recommendations for two key settings: maximum average cost-per-thousand impressions (CPM) and line-item frequency caps.

Pre-flight recommendations are suggestions provided by Amazon DSP's machine learning algorithms during the campaign creation process. These suggestions are tailored to each individual campaign based on the advertiser's goals, targeting choices, and other settings.

Maximum Average CPM: This setting determines the highest average cost per thousand impressions an advertiser is willing to pay for their ad placements. The pre-flight recommendations for maximum average CPM aim to help advertisers optimize campaign pacing, which refers to the speed at which the campaign budget is spent.

Line-Item Frequency Cap: This setting limits the number of times a specific ad creative can be shown to an individual user within a given timeframe. The pre-flight recommendations for line-item frequency caps can help advertisers avoid overexposing their target audience to the same ad.

According to Amazon, these pre-flight recommendations offer several advantages for advertisers:

Improved Efficiency: By leveraging machine learning, the recommendations can help advertisers make data-driven decisions during campaign setup, potentially saving them time and resources.

Optimized Pacing: For advertisers who choose to manually set their maximum average CPM, the recommendations can help in achieving a more balanced budget spend throughout the campaign duration.

Smarter Frequency Capping: The pre-flight suggestions for line-item frequency caps can help advertisers strike a balance between achieving ad visibility and avoiding user fatigue from repetitive ad exposure.

Overall Impact

The introduction of pre-flight recommendations in Amazon DSP represents a step towards a more data-driven and user-friendly campaign management experience. By providing intelligent suggestions based on historical campaign data and market trends, Amazon DSP aims to empower advertisers to make informed decisions and potentially achieve better campaign performance.

Pre-flight recommendations are currently available to all self-service advertisers on the Amazon DSP platform. These recommendations appear during the campaign creation process within the Amazon DSP interface.