AudienceProject pioneers YouTube Cross-Media Measurement

AudienceProject integrates with Google's Ads Data Hub, offering unprecedented YouTube campaign measurement across devices.

AudienceProject pioneers YouTube Cross-Media Measurement
AudienceProject YouTube

AudienceProject this month announced a groundbreaking integration with Google's Ads Data Hub for Measurement Partners. This collaboration, revealed just 4 days ago, positions AudienceProject alongside established measurement platforms like Nielsen and Comscore in offering comprehensive cross-media reach measurement for YouTube campaigns across various devices, including Connected TV (CTV), with co-viewing capabilities. The integration aims to provide marketers with more accurate and comprehensive measurement of their YouTube campaigns, addressing the growing need for holistic cross-media measurement in an increasingly fragmented digital landscape.

The partnership between AudienceProject and Google comes at a crucial time for the digital advertising industry.Tthe demand for cross-media measurement has been steadily increasing as advertisers seek to understand the true reach and impact of their campaigns across various platforms and devices. The proliferation of streaming services and the rise of CTV have further complicated the measurement landscape, making it challenging for marketers to get a clear picture of their campaign performance across different channels.

AudienceProject's new integration addresses these challenges by allowing marketers to enable third-party audience measurement of YouTube campaigns with a single click. This seamless integration provides insights into the reach and frequency of YouTube campaigns across all devices, including the rapidly growing CTV segment. Moreover, the solution supports the Media Rating Council (MRC) standard for video ad viewability, offering a more robust basis for comparing YouTube performance with traditional TV advertising.

One of the key features of this integration is its ability to measure co-viewing on CTV devices. Co-viewing, which refers to multiple individuals watching content on the same device simultaneously, has been a significant blind spot in digital video measurement. By incorporating co-viewing measurement, AudienceProject's solution provides a more accurate representation of YouTube's true audience reach, particularly in household viewing environments.

The technical implementation of this integration leverages Google's Ads Data Hub, a secure and privacy-compliant environment that allows advertisers to analyze campaign data without accessing user-level information. This approach aligns with the industry's growing focus on privacy-centric measurement solutions in the wake of increasing data protection regulations and the phasing out of third-party cookies.

Brian Meritam Larsen, VP of Partnerships at AudienceProject, emphasized the importance of empowering marketers to make confident decisions based on independent and comprehensive cross-media measurement. The integration aims to offer an enhanced solution that supports this goal, providing marketers with a more complete view of their YouTube campaign performance in the context of their overall media mix.

The launch of this integration is particularly timely given the rapid growth of digital video advertising and the increasing importance of YouTube in many marketers' media strategies.

The ability to measure YouTube campaigns alongside other channels, including linear TV, connected TV, online video, social media, and the open web, is a significant advancement for media planners and buyers. This comprehensive view enables more effective planning and in-flight optimization of campaigns, potentially leading to improved media efficiency and return on investment.

Biren Kalaria, Managing Director of Data, Measurement & Analytics at Google UK, highlighted the industry-wide importance of cross-media audience measurement. The integration with AudienceProject represents another step towards achieving this goal, providing marketers with a better understanding of how to plan and optimize their YouTube campaigns for maximum reach within their target audiences.

The implications of this integration extend beyond just YouTube measurement. By setting a new standard for cross-media measurement, this partnership could potentially influence how other digital platforms approach third-party measurement and verification. It may also accelerate the development of similar integrations across the industry, as advertisers increasingly demand comprehensive, independent measurement across all their media investments.

However, the success of this integration will depend on several factors. Marketers will need to assess how well the solution integrates with their existing measurement frameworks and whether it provides actionable insights that can drive meaningful improvements in campaign performance. Additionally, the industry will be watching closely to see how this solution addresses ongoing concerns about measurement consistency and comparability across different media channels.

The integration also raises questions about the future of media measurement in an increasingly complex digital landscape. As new platforms and formats emerge, the challenge of providing consistent, comparable measurement across all channels will only grow. Solutions like the AudienceProject-Google integration may point the way towards more collaborative approaches to measurement, where platforms work closely with independent third-party providers to offer transparent, standardized metrics.

From a technical perspective, the integration leverages several advanced technologies to deliver its measurement capabilities. The use of Google's Ads Data Hub ensures that the solution complies with stringent data privacy regulations while still providing granular insights. The incorporation of co-viewing measurement for CTV likely involves sophisticated modeling techniques to estimate multiple viewers from a single device signal.

AudienceProject is a technology-driven market research and audience measurement company that provides data and insights for the media and advertising industry. The company specializes in cross-media measurement, audience profiling, and ad effectiveness studies. AudienceProject is headquartered in Copenhagen, Denmark. It was founded in 2010 and has since expanded its operations to cover multiple countries, primarily in Europe and North America.

As for ownership, AudienceProject is an independent company. It was founded by Jacob Lachmann, who served as the CEO for many years. In 2021, the company announced that it had received a significant investment from Adelis Equity Partners, a Nordic private equity firm. This investment was aimed at accelerating AudienceProject's product development and international expansion.

Following this investment, Adelis Equity Partners became a majority shareholder in AudienceProject, while the management team and employees retained a significant ownership stake in the company. This structure allows AudienceProject to maintain its independence while benefiting from the resources and expertise of a larger investment partner.

AudienceProject operates in various markets, including the UK, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Ireland, and the United States, in addition to its home market of Denmark. The company's global presence allows it to provide cross-market insights and measurement solutions to its clients, which include major advertisers, media agencies, and publishers.