GA4 launch Subproperties and Roll-up Properties integration with Search Ads 360 and Display & Video 360

Google Analytics this week expanded the data accessibility for Google Marketing Platform users, enabling the linking of subproperties and roll-up properties with Search Ads 360 and Display & Video 360.

GA4 launch Subproperties and Roll-up Properties integration with Search Ads 360 and Display & Video 360

Google Analytics this week expanded the data accessibility for Google Marketing Platform users, enabling the linking of subproperties and roll-up properties with Search Ads 360 and Display & Video 360.

This update grants greater flexibility and control over data sharing for cross-platform advertising strategies.

Subproperties and roll-up properties can now be directly linked with Search Ads 360 and Display & Video 360, mirroring the existing linking functionality for standard properties.

Benefits of GA4 Subproperties and Roll-up Properties integration with Search Ads 360 and Display & Video 360

  • Granular Data Sharing: Share specific data subsets from subproperties or aggregated data from roll-up properties with relevant advertising platforms.
  • Targeted Audience Reach: Leverage roll-up properties to reach audiences spanning multiple properties through Display & Video 360 campaigns.
  • Streamlined Workflows: Maintain consistent data sharing processes across all property types for efficient campaign management.


  • Linked subproperties and roll-up properties share data with Search Ads 360 and Display & Video 360 identically to standard properties.
  • Existing linking instructions for Search Ads 360 and Display & Video 360 seamlessly apply to subproperties and roll-up properties.


  • Marketing professionals with complex organizational structures can gain greater control over data utilized for programmatic advertising campaigns.
  • This update facilitates more targeted audience segmentation and analysis, fostering improved campaign performance.

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