Edison Research yesterday published the first The Infinite Dial study for Germany. Edison Research says that digital audio in Germany will likely follow a similar path seen in the USA, but the German digital audio market lags 4 years behind the USA.

The Infinite Dial study is realized in the USA, Australia, Canada, South Africa, and now Germany. Edison Research conducted a national telephone survey of 1,000 Germans age 16 and older.

According to Edison Research, radio usage continues at a high level in Germany, in cars and in general. In the car, radio is by far the most-used source of music, entertainment and information for almost 70% of Germans.

The age group 16-34 years old are increasingly listening to radio via radio apps on their mobile phones, streaming aggregators, or smart speakers. Thirty-eight percent of this group state that they no longer own a traditional radio receiver.

More than one third (35%) of 16-34 year olds in Germany listen to a podcast every month. Each user listens to an average of 5 podcasts per week.

Smart speakers are also gaining ground in Germany as 8% of Germans already own one or more of these devices. Each smart speaker owner has an average of 1.8 devices in their household.

“The results of The Infinite Dial® Germany are a very important building block for the strategic development of our radio and audio world. They prove that we are on the right track with our diverse products. In addition to classic programs, on-demand offerings have a high usage rate. This confirms in particular the great potential for podcasts. With our platform AUDIO NOW and the founding of the podcast production company Audio Alliance, we have created an excellent basis at the right time to play a decisive role in shaping the attractiveness of this market from the user and customer point of view,” said Stephan Schmitter, CEO of RTL Radio Germany.

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German digital audio market lags 4 years behind the USA