Google Ads API returns to Beta due to slow response times

Google last week announced that Google Ads API was returning to the Beta status, after feedback about slow response times compared to the AdWords API.

Google Ads API returns to Beta due to slow response times

Google last week announced that Google Ads API was returning to the Beta status, after feedback about slow response times compared to the AdWords API.

Google Ads API Team says that “after in-depth analysis, we’ve determined that the overall performance of the Google Ads API is not ready for production usage.”

Google Ads API was officially launched in March, this year, after almost one year in Beta since April 2018. Google Ads API is the next generation of the AdWords API and according to Google, as the API gradually rolled out, it reaches full parity with the AdWords API.

AdWords API should have been sunset at the end of this year, but Google Ads API Team is recommending now production systems to use AdWords API instead, for the best experience.

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