Google Analytics updates Preset Date Ranges in Explore
Google Analytics this week announced an update to its Explore feature that changes the way preset date ranges are handled.
Google Analytics this week announced an update to its Explore feature that changes the way preset date ranges are handled. When an exploration is saved with a preset date range (for example, the last 28 days), the exploration will now show the last 28 days from when the exploration is opened, rather than from when the exploration was created.
Previously, when you saved an exploration with a preset date range, the exploration would show data from the date range that you had selected when you saved it. This meant that if you saved an exploration with the "Last 28 days" date range on May 1st, the exploration would always show data from May 4th to May 31st, even if you opened it on a later date.
With the new update, when you save an exploration with a preset date range, the exploration will now show data from the date range that you have selected when you open the exploration. This means that if you save an exploration with the "Last 28 days" date range on May 1st, and then open the exploration on June 1st, the exploration will show data from May 4th to June 30th.
This change is designed to make it easier for users to keep their explorations up-to-date. With the old behavior, users would have to manually update their explorations' date ranges every time they opened them. With the new behavior, users can simply open the exploration and see the most recent data.
Explorations in GA gives advertisers access to data and analytical techniques that aren't available in reports.