Google Fit launched on iOS and is compatible with Apple Watch or with Wear OS
Google this week launched Google Fit on iOS. Google Fit coaches people to have a healthier and active life.

Google this week launched Google Fit on iOS. Google Fit coaches people to have a healthier and active life. Google Fit has worked with the World Health Organization (WHO) to develop two activity goals based on WHO’s physical activity recommendations shown to impact health – Move Minutes and Heart Points.
Move Minutes and Heart Points help people to build smarter, healthier habits throughout your day. The more people move, the more Move Minutes they earn. The more intensely a user moves, the more Heart Points they earn.
Apps connected to Apple Health, such as Sleep Cycle, Nike Run Club and Headspace, sync with then with Google Fit to provide a holistic view of the health and show the Heart Points and Move Minutes. And whether a user owns an Apple Watch or Wear OS by Google smartwatch, Google Fit keeps track of the workout sessions.