Cookies in Chrome capped to 400 days
Google last week announced it has introduced in Chrome a cap for the expiration of cookies to a maximum of 400 days, around 13 months, from the time the cookie was set.

Google last week announced it has introduced in Chrome a cap for the expiration of cookies to a maximum of 400 days, around 13 months, from the time the cookie was set.
According to Google, the change happened as of Chrome release M104 (August 2022). Before this limit was added, cookies could expire millennia in the future. Google says that with this limitation, it hopes “to strike a better balance between user expectations and convenience.”
Cookies that request an expiration date further out than 400 days aren’t rejected; their expiration date is set to 400 days instead. Session cookies (cookies that do not explicitly set an expiration date with Max-Age or Expires ) are not impacted. Session cookies continue to be cleared when the browsing session ends.
To keep users in the with a cookie, the users will have to visit the site again, within the 400 days. Then developers have the ability to extend the expiration when the user visits the site again.