Google recommends advertisers to evaluate advertising during Coronavirus pandemic

Google recommends advertisers to evaluate advertising during Coronavirus pandemic

Google today recommended advertisers to evaluate the ads during the Coronavirus pandemic. According to Google, advertisers should consider the context and tone, be sensitive to how certain words may make the audience feel, consider if the message is helpful, and think about the appropriateness of images and videos that show large gatherings of people, or human interaction.

Google says that businesses should update the Business Profile on Google, to reflect opening times while the Coronavirus pandemic lasts.

Additionally, Google recommends advertisers to review the performance metrics of their online ads and pause ads if needed. During the Coronavirus pandemic, significant shifts in conversion rate may require adjustments to the bidding.

Advertisers are sharing online that in the past 24 hours, Google implemented new policies on ad approvals, where the reference to COVID-19 can lead to ad disapproval.

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