Google still investing in Campaign Manager, the adserver for buyers
Google guarantees that it will continue to invest in Campaign Manager, as the digital ads ecosystem evolves with an increased focus on privacy, new regulations, and changes in technology platforms.
Google this week said is still investing in Campaign Manager, Google's adserver for buyers, which is part of the Google Marketing Platform.
In the launch of GMP (Google Marketing Platform), in 2018, Google did not list Campaign Manager as a platform:
Google is now realizing the need for Campaign Manager, as platforms like TikTok, or Facebook, are out of RTB, the protocol where buyers can buy ads via DV360, Google’s DSP. And all the investments in Campaign Manager end up feeding their DSP, as DV360 is connected with Campaign Manager.
According to Google, the investments in CM (Campaign Manager) are happening in 3 areas:
Comprehensive Measurement
Google says the main challenges on measurements nowadays are due to regulatory shifts and changes in tech platforms. Because of this, Google launched conversion modeling in Campaign Manager 360, so advertisers avoid gaps in measurement.
According to Google, another initiative was the expansion of server-to-server integrations with social and video platforms in Campaign Manager 360, like the one with Facebook.
Streamlined Workflows
Sunil Gupta, Product Manager at Google, wrote that Google products already have integrations between Display & Video 360, and Analytics 360 enables advertisers to see deduplicated conversions across the display and video buys.
Google states it is investing in tighter connections with tools from different ecosystem partners to give advertisers more choice and flexibility, like the automated third-party verification in Campaign Manager 360.
Trusted ad management for enhanced video and emerging channels
According to Google, Campaign Manager today provides insights into the video performance using video verification and has enhanced YouTube measurement. Google says that it also expanded the unique reach reporting in Campaign Manager to include demographic data.