Google stops using WEBM and 3GPP video transcodes
Google this month announced it will stop using WEBM and 3GPP video transcodes in DV360.
Google this month announced it will stop using WEBM and 3GPP video transcodes. When advertisers upload a video in DV360 or in Campaign Manager, Google transcodes the asset into a number of alternative versions that use different file formats or have different properties (resolution, audio bit rate, and video bit rate).
Each transcode is designed for specific video players or bandwidths. Google says WEBM and 3GPP are rarely used, and the majority of publisher requirements can be met with a smaller list of transcodes.
Until now, Google’s DSP was supporting 3GPP, MP4, WEBM, and M3U8 as transcode.
Advertisers will still be able to host the following formats: .avi, .mov, .mp4, .m4v, .mpeg, .mpg, .ogv, .webm, .wmv, but the videos will be transcoded only in MP4 and M3U8.