Google to deprecate Win/Loss Report Dimensions and Bidding Insights Tool in DV360

Google this month announced it will deprecate some dimensions in Win/Loss reports and the Bidding Insights tool in Display & Video 360 on November 15, 2023.


Google this month announced it will deprecate some dimensions in Win/Loss reports and the Bidding Insights tool in Display & Video 360 on November 15, 2023.

Win/Loss Report Dimensions to disappear

The following dimensions in Win/Loss reports will be deprecated:

  • Site ID (App/Url)
  • Country ID
  • Country
  • Region
  • Environment

These dimensions will be removed from the Win/Loss report, and advertisers can no longer report on them.

Bidding Insights Tool

The Bidding Insights tool in Display & Video 360 will also be deprecated on November 15, 2023. This tool provides advertisers with insights into their bidding strategies, but it will be replaced with new features in Display & Video 360.

Advertisers who are using the deprecated Win/Loss report dimensions or the Bidding Insights tool will need to make changes to their reporting and bidding strategies in order to continue to track their performance.

Google is recommending that advertisers use the following alternatives to the deprecated Win/Loss report dimensions:

  • Site ID (App/Url): Use the "Site/App" dimension instead.
  • Country IDCountryRegion, and Environment: Use the "Geographic location" dimension instead.

Advertisers should review their reporting and bidding strategies to determine which of the deprecated dimensions and tools they are using. They should then develop a plan to migrate to the new alternatives before November 15, 2023.

What is Bidding Insights Tool in Display & Video 360 (DV360)?

The Bidding Insights Tool in Display & Video 360 (DV360) is a tool that provides advertisers with insights into their bidding strategies. It shows advertisers how their bidding strategies are performing across different dimensions, such as site, device, and browser. The tool also shows advertisers how their bidding strategies are impacting their campaign performance.

The Bidding Insights Tool can be used to:

  • Identify areas where bidding strategies can be improved
  • Troubleshoot bidding strategy issues
  • Compare the performance of different bidding strategies
  • Optimize bidding strategies for different campaign goals

The Bidding Insights Tool is a tool for advertisers who want to improve the performance of their DV360 campaigns.