Google to remove average position metric from Google Ads on September 30

The average position metric termination will happen on September 30, 2019.

Google to remove average position metric from Google Ads on September 30

Google yesterday announced the date when the average position metric will be removed from Google Ads. The average position metric termination will happen on September 30, 2019.

Google recommends using search top impression rate and search absolute top impression rate instead. Search top impression rate and Search absolute top impression rate reflect the actual placement of the ad on the page, rather than the position of the ad compared to others. Google rolled out the new ad position metrics on November, last year.

What will be disabled in Google Ads?

  • Rules using average position
  • Custom columns using average position
  • Saved reports that filter on average position
  • Saved filters with average position

{adposition} parameter will begin returning an empty string.

Pallavi Naresh, Product Manager at Google Ads, said that average position metric will also be removed from saved column sets, saved reports that use the average position column, but don’t filter on it, scorecards that use average position in dashboards.

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