Grindr fined 65 million kroner for sharing sensitive user data

A Norwegian court upheld a $7 million fine against Grindr for illegally sharing users' sensitive data with advertisers.

Grindr fined 65 million kroner for sharing sensitive user data

The Norwegian Consumer Council successfully sued Grindr for illegally sharing sensitive user data with third parties. The Oslo District Court upheld a 65 million kroner (approximately $7 million USD) fine imposed on the dating app by the Norwegian Data Protection Authority (DPA).

In 2020, the Norwegian Consumer Council filed a complaint with the DPA after discovering that Grindr was collecting and sharing sensitive user data, including HIV status and location information, with third-party advertisers. The DPA investigated the complaint and found that Grindr had violated Norway's Personal Data Act.

The Oslo District Court agreed with the DPA's findings and upheld the 65 million kroner fine. This ruling sends a strong message to other companies that they cannot collect and share sensitive user data without consent.

Forbrukerrådet, the Norwegian Consumer Council, welcomed the court's decision and called for further action to protect consumer privacy.

The Norwegian Consumer Council stated that this is a significant victory in the fight to protect consumer privacy online. They emphasized that commercial collection, sharing, and use of personal data is out of control and needs to be addressed. The council applauded the district court's confirmation that Grindr's sharing of sensitive personal data with third parties is illegal.

Forbrukerrådet also urged the Norwegian government to implement a ban on surveillance-based advertising. They highlighted the potential misuse of user data for manipulating political elections, targeting vulnerable individuals, and even persecuting minority groups.

The Grindr case is a significant victory for consumer privacy advocates. It is also a reminder that companies need to be careful about how they collect and use user data.