HasOffers rebranded as TUNE Partner Marketing Platform

HasOffers rebranded as TUNE Partner Marketing Platform

TUNE this week announced that is retiring HasOffers product name, and launching TUNE Partner Marketing Platform. Peter Hamilton, TUNE's CEO, said this will simplify the identity and show "complete focus and commitment to meet the changing needs of marketing partnerships."

Tune is serving 2 customers: networks and advertisers. Peter Hamilton says that over the last 3 years, the number of advertiser customers on TUNE's platform doubled every year. Hamilton says TUNE Partner Marketing Platform gives customers control and flexibility they needed to forge new partnerships. 

Tune promised this week to deploy new platform releases at a furious pace and to prioritize engineering and product investment above everything else. Advancements will happen in automation, tech integrations, user experiences, workflows, and billing and payments. 

HasOffers.com website is already redirecting to TUNE.com. This change doesn't affect existing contracts, platform setups, and current traffic.

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