IAB and the IAB Tech Lab today released for public comment the IAB California Consumer Privacy Act Compliance Framework for Publishers and Technology Companies.

IAB and the IAB Tech Lab are asking publishers, technology intermediaries, ad agencies, brands, data companies, and all other participants in the digital advertising supply chain to provide input on the draft framework by November 5, 2019, after which the trade bodies intend to release a final version for companies to adopt, before the California law takes effect on January 1, 2020.

“The IAB CCPA Compliance Framework is designed to help publishers protect consumers’ privacy, while fueling the free internet,” said Michael Hahn, Senior Vice President and General Counsel, IAB and IAB Tech Lab, who led the IAB Privacy and Compliance Unit working groups that designed the framework. “Hundreds of thousands of companies support their businesses with advertising on the internet, because it enables them to effectively reach new and existing customers at scale. Publishers bear the brunt of responsibility for compliance because of their direct relationship with consumers.”

According to IAB and the IAB Tech Lab, the IAB CCPA Compliance Framework provides an initial solution for publishers and other parties to comply with CCPA in a timely manner, given the January 1st deadline. CCPA regulations are still being finalized by the California Attorney General.

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IAB and the IAB Tech Lab release the IAB CCPA Compliance Framework for public comment