The Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) this month announced that the President, Patrick Dolan, will depart in June 2020. IAB is now searching for a successor to lead strategy, strategy marketing, and revenue. Ann Blinkhorn of the executive recruiting firm Blinkhorn LLC will conduct the search.

Patrick Dolan joined IAB in 2007. During Dolan’s tenure, IAB has grown from 15 people, 200 member companies, and $6 million in annual revenues, to nearly 80 people, 750 member companies, and over $35 million in annual revenues.

IAB today is routinely called one of the “Big Three” advertising trade groups, together with the Association of National Advertisers (ANA) and the American Association of Advertising Agencies (4A’s).

Over the 13 years, IAB and the IAB Tech Lab became the leading technical-standardization bodies in the digital marketing industry, responsible for the OpenRTB auction system.

“Under Patrick’s steady hand, IAB has grown continually in stature and capability,” said Randall Rothenberg, CEO, IAB. “We were on shaky financial ground when he arrived 13 years ago, with significant debt and an operating deficit. Today, IAB is sound, growing, and powerful.”

“Patrick has been a great partner over the years,” Rothenberg added, “and IAB wouldn’t be where it is without his leadership.”

Patrick Dolan joined IAB in 2007 as Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, after serving in leadership roles at the advertising technology company DoubleClick (acquired by Google), and the Hearst/Cisneros joint venture cable channel Locomotion. While at DoubleClick, Dolan participated in pioneering work on re-targeting and data driven behavioral advertising. He was subsequently promoted to IAB’s Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer, and in 2017 was named President of the association.

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IAB President Patrick Dolan to step down in June 2020