Independent Measurement arrives for Twitch Ads

AudienceProject, a company specializing in independent audience measurement, today announced the launch of Twitch ad measurement within its AudienceReport platform.

Independent Measurement arrives for Twitch Ads

AudienceProject, a company specializing in independent audience measurement, today announced the launch of Twitch ad measurement within its AudienceReport platform. This new feature allows advertisers to gain insights into the reach and frequency of their Twitch display and video ad campaigns.

Audience measurement is the process of quantifying the size and demographics of an audience exposed to advertising campaigns. Traditionally, this data is provided by the advertising platform itself. However, independent audience measurement services offer an alternative perspective, providing advertisers with data collected and analyzed by a third party.

Twitch, a live streaming platform popular for gaming content, has grown significantly in recent years. The platform boasts millions of active viewers, making it an attractive advertising opportunity for many brands. Independent measurement for Twitch ads offers advertisers benefits such as:

Transparency: Third-party data can provide advertisers with an objective view of campaign performance, potentially offering greater transparency compared to relying solely on metrics reported by the advertising platform itself.

Benchmarking: Independent measurement allows advertisers to compare their Twitch ad campaigns to industry benchmarks or performance of campaigns on other platforms.

How Does AudienceProject Measure Twitch Ads?

AudienceProject integrates directly with Amazon Ads, which handles Twitch ad sales. This integration allows for matching campaign data from Twitch with AudienceProject's existing data panels in various countries. According to AudienceProject, this process is conducted in a privacy-safe manner.

AudienceProject's Twitch ad measurement focuses on reach and frequency. This includes:

  • Reach: The number of unique individuals exposed to a Twitch ad campaign.
  • Frequency: The average number of times an individual is exposed to the ad campaign.

The introduction of independent measurement for Twitch ads provides advertisers with a valuable tool for evaluating campaign performance. By gaining insights into reach and frequency, advertisers can assess the effectiveness of their campaigns and potentially optimize their strategies for better results.

The launch of Twitch ad measurement by AudienceProject represents a step towards greater transparency and independent verification within the Twitch advertising ecosystem. This can benefit advertisers seeking a more objective view of their campaign performance on this growing platform.