Index Exchange Earns “TAG Platinum” status by securing all 4 tag seals

Index Exchange obtained the four Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG) Seals.

Index Exchange Earns “TAG Platinum” status by securing all 4 tag seals

Index Exchange obtained the four Trustworthy Accountability Group (TAG) Seals, establishing itself as one of eight companies in the world to achieve the ‘TAG Platinum’ status certification.

The Tag Platinum certified companies are dataxu, Index Exchange, LKQD Technologies, OpenX, Publicis Media, Publishers Clearing House, Sovrn, and SpotX.

TAG is an accountability program that fights criminal activity and encourages transparency in the digital ad industry by focusing on four core areas of fraud, piracy, malware and transparency.

IX (Index Exchange) is now compliant with the guidelines for the TAG Certified Against Fraud, Certified Against Piracy, Certified Against Malware, and Inventory Quality Guidelines Programs.

“TAG is delighted that IX has achieved TAG Platinum status,” said Rachel Nyswander Thomas, Chief Operating Officer of TAG. “IX has demonstrated its industry leadership in combating the negative impact of fraudulent traffic across the digital advertising supply chain, and we look forward to continuing to work closely with IX to protect trust as we move into the next era of digital advertising.