LinkedIn to launch Retargeting by Video Views & Lead Gen Forms

LinkedIn this month announced the launch of Retargeting by Video Views & Lead Gen Forms, a new way advertisers have to engage with LinkedIn users via the LinkedIn Audience Network.

LinkedIn Campaign Manager
LinkedIn Campaign Manager

LinkedIn this month announced the launch of Retargeting by Video Views & Lead Gen Forms, a new way advertisers have to engage with LinkedIn users via the LinkedIn Audience Network. LinkedIn expects the launch happens over the next month within Campaign Manager.

LinkedIn says advertisers can now tailor their message to their objective. Advertisers running a video ad showcasing an upcoming event, can then retarget those who watched 75% or more of that video and invite them to register with a Sponsored Content ad.

Or if a user opens or submits a Lead Gen Form, advertisers will know there’s likely some interest, so they can can retarget those who opened or submitted a Lead Gen Form.

Morten Jensen, Senior Marketing Manager at Jabra, said to have 2 times higher CTR on retargeting by Lead Gen Forms, in his tests.