OpenRTB Specification introduces Provisional Attributes to streamline innovation

The Programmatic Supply Chain Working Group (PSCWG) yesterday announced the introduction of Provisional Attributes within the OpenRTB Specification, aiming to streamline the adoption of new features and attributes within the programmatic ecosystem.

OpenRTB Specification introduces Provisional Attributes to streamline innovation

The Programmatic Supply Chain Working Group (PSCWG) yesterday announced the introduction of Provisional Attributes within the OpenRTB Specification, aiming to streamline the adoption of new features and attributes within the programmatic ecosystem.

Previously, new attributes entered the OpenRTB Specification through two methods: official extensions and full specification releases. Extensions offered faster testing but required eventual migration to the main specification, while full releases ensured stability but were less frequent.

Provisional Attributes bridge this gap. Proposals approved by the PSCWG and achieving quorum support will be added directly to the OpenRTB specification as Provisional Attributes. This allows for wider testing and adoption without requiring immediate full integration.

Benefits of Provisional Attributes

  • Faster Innovation: New features can be tested and adopted more quickly within the ecosystem.
  • Reduced Development Time: Both sell-side and buy-side platforms can integrate Provisional Attributes without the complex migration from extensions.
  • Simplified Bid Stream: Provisional Attributes eliminate the need for sending the same information through both extensions and the main specification, reducing bloat and computational load.

Evaluation and Adoption

  • Provisional Attributes have a 12-month implementation period.
  • To become fully codified, they require implementation by at least three buy-side and three sell-side platforms.
  • Attributes failing to meet the criteria within 12 months will be removed from the specification and potentially added as community extensions.

The first Provisional Attribute, Pod Deduplication, helps with competitive separation in podded bidding. It allows sellers to signal to buyers which ad categories are already present in a pod, preventing redundant bids.

The PSCWG encourages proposals for new Provisional Attributes that address industry needs and contribute to the advancement of the programmatic ecosystem.