Sports podcast listeners show strong loyalty to athletes, new study reveals

Edison research report highlights growing podcast consumption among younger demographics.

Sports podcast listeners show strong loyalty to athletes, new study reveals

Edison Research, SiriusXM Media, and GroupM today released Sports Audio Report which explores the evolving landscape of sports content consumption in the United States. The report sheds light on a particularly interesting trend: sports podcast listeners exhibit a higher degree of loyalty towards athletes compared to fans who don't consume sports podcasts.

The study revealed that a significant portion (76%) of sports podcast listeners continue to follow athletes even after they are traded to a new team. This loyalty contrasts with the behavior of fans who don't listen to sports podcasts, with only 51% following athletes after a trade.

This trend aligns with the demographic makeup of podcast listeners in the U.S. According to the report, Gen Z and Millennials are more likely to be sports podcast consumers. These younger generations tend to have a greater interest in athletes' lives beyond their on-field performance, compared to older demographics. The report cites data showing that 52% of Gen Z sports fans actively follow the personal lives of their favorite athletes, compared to only 26% of Baby Boomers who do the same. Sports podcasts offer a unique platform for fans to connect with athletes on a more personal level and stay updated on their favorite teams.

The Rise of the Female Sports Podcast Listener

The "Sports Audio Report" also highlights the growing demographic of female sports podcast listeners. While a more detailed analysis of this group is forthcoming in a July 16 report titled Sports Audio Report: Female Fans, the current findings suggest a similar, if not stronger, level of loyalty towards athletes among female listeners.