Spotify Premium Family Plan now includes parental control and a family playlist

Spotify Premium Family Plan now includes parental control and a family playlist

Spotify is updating the Premium Family Plan. Spotify Premium Family Plan costs 14.99 euros and 6 family members can share the plan. The new upgraded Spotify Premium Family Plan is now available in Ireland, and will rollout in all other countries this fall.

Spotify Premium Family subscribers have on-demand access to 450,000 podcast titles, 50 million tracks of ad-free music, and the new update brings parent control of the Explicit Content Filter setting of all other accounts on their plan.

According to Spotify, billing users can now manage their Family’s settings in one place, including adding or removing family members, keeping the home address up to date, and adjusting the parental controls.

In the new upgrade, families will also get to a personalized playlist packed with songs the whole family enjoys.

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