Taboola expects more reach for advertisers and more revenue for publishers with Outbrain’s acquisition
Taboola will bring more reach for advertisers and more revenue for publishers, wrote Adam Singolda, CEO of Taboola, this week, explaining what he predicts with Taboola and Outbrain merger.
Adam Singolda, will assume the CEO position of the combined company.
Adam Singolda says that Taboola will have more reach for advertisers and will innovate faster and better to provide new features.
With the Taboola’s acquisition of Outbrain, Adam Singolda expects that publishers will generate more revenue as Taboola attracts more advertisers to the marketplace. Taboola will drive better yields and will provide more innovation, he wrote. Singolda also state that he believes Taboola will be able to double or triple the revenue that publishers generate with the new merged company.