Taboola News grows over 270 percent year-over-year through OEM partnerships

Taboola News is now reaching 500 million daily active users in over 80 countries

Taboola News grows over 270 percent year-over-year through OEM partnerships

Taboola today announced that Taboola News has grown over 270 percent year-over-year, Q2 2020 vs Q2 2021, through mobile device and OEM partnerships.

Taboola News recorded 220 million monthly engagements on editorial content through the mobile device and OEM partnerships, that includes Samsung Brazil, and América Móvil.

“More than 86 percent of U.S. adults get news from a smartphone, according to Pew Research Center, which makes it clear that consumers have an appetite for quality journalism wherever they go,” said Adam Singolda, CEO and founder, Taboola. “This type of demand is one of the reasons why Taboola News has been so successful in partnering with many of the world’s premier carriers and OEMs. This is part of our growth engine and speaks to our “Recommending Anywhere” philosophy, where we bring the open web, and our publishers into anywhere people spend their time.”

According to Taboola, Taboola News now reaches 500 million daily active users in over 80 countries, directly into offerings from mobile carriers and device manufacturers, including smartphone screens and web browsers.

Taboola News is an additional source of revenue for mobile carriers, device manufacturers, publishers, and brands.

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