Instacart launches new display ads and brand pages
Brand pages and display ads are available in the Instacart Ads self-service portal, Instacart Ads Manager.
The latest news about search ads. Search ads, also known as paid search advertising or pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, are a type of online advertising that appears in search engine results pages (SERPs). When a user searches for a keyword or phrase, search ads are displayed at the top and bottom of the SERP.
Brand pages and display ads are available in the Instacart Ads self-service portal, Instacart Ads Manager.
The integration enables advertisers to create ad variations based on custom product pages in App Store Connect.
Google this week extended the identity verification policy in Google Ads to additional 51 countries.
Google says the new Experiments page helps advertisers to create, manage, and optimize experiments in one place.
IndexNow is a protocol that submits URLs to search engines, when URLs are added, updated, or deleted.
Google last week introduced a new a new robots tag - indexifembedded - that enables publishers to tell Google if content should be indexed when it’s embedded through iframes and similar HTML tags in other pages, even when the content page has the noindex tag.