Tappx launches a free hosting tool for the new app-ads.txt
Tappx says it has created the free web hosting service App-ads-txt.com to help mobile app developers to integrate app-ads.txt without the need for a domain, website or additional development.

Tappx this month launched App-ads-txt.com, a free hosting tool of the new IAB standard app-ads.txt. Tappx says it has created the free web hosting service App-ads-txt.com to help mobile app developers to integrate app-ads.txt without the need for a domain, website or additional development.
The app-ads.txt specification is an extension of the ads.txt standard to meet the requirements for applications distributed through mobile app stores, connected television app stores, or other application distribution channels.
According to Tappx, the adoption for app-ads.txt is lower than the ads.txt for the web. Tappx research discovered that less than 8‰ (i.e. 8 per thousand) of high ranking apps across the most popular app ecosystems had adopted app-ads.txt correctly.
“The reasons for this are likely to be two-fold: 1) many app developers (small to medium sized) do not possess their own websites, and 2) there is lower awareness around adtech issues within app development communities, especially relating to app-ads.txt and the benefits it can provide. Tappx are accredited members of IAB Spain, hence we are strong advocates for community and the IAB’s latest extension, app-ads.txt. By reducing friction for adoption for the app-ads.txt specification, we are closer to eradicating spoofed in-app inventory, and hence helping to reduce digital ad fraud.”Fernando Saiz, chief marketing officer at Tappx