Google Analytics 360 enhances data insights with unsampled quota upgrades

Recent updates to Google Analytics 360 offer users access to significantly more unsampled data, improving analysis capabilities.

Google Analytics 360 enhances data insights with unsampled quota upgrades
GA360 unsampled quota enhancements and API

On October 14, 2024, Google announced enhancements to its Google Analytics 360 platform, providing users with unprecedented access to unsampled data. This update marks a substantial improvement in data analysis capabilities for businesses and marketers utilizing the premium analytics service.

According to the announcement, Google Analytics 360 users now have access to a dramatically increased daily quota of 20,000 tokens for unsampled data requests. This represents a significant upgrade from previous limits, although the exact previous quota was not specified in the provided information.

In addition to the daily quota increase, the per-query token limit has been raised to 5,000. This allows users to perform more complex and data-intensive analyses within a single query, potentially uncovering insights that were previously obscured due to sampling limitations.

Token Calculation Algorithm Improvements

The update also introduces a revised token calculation algorithm. This new system has been designed to better align with the actual processing costs associated with different types of data requests. Google states that a machine learning-based model now ensures fairer and more predictable quota charging for all users.

This improvement in the token calculation system is expected to provide users with a more accurate understanding of how their queries impact their daily quota, allowing for more efficient use of their allotted resources.

Implications for Data Analysis

The expanded access to unsampled data has significant implications for businesses relying on Google Analytics 360 for their data analysis needs. With these enhancements, users can now:

  1. Analyze more complex queries without sampling limitations
  2. Dive deeper into historical data across longer time ranges
  3. Make decisions based on more accurate, comprehensive data sets
  4. Explore intricate relationships between different data points that may have been previously obscured by sampling

Availability and Implementation

The new unsampled quota enhancements are immediately available to all Google Analytics 360 users. To take advantage of these improvements, users can access the Explorations section within their Google Analytics 360 account and request unsampled results for their queries.

It's important to note that while the quota has been significantly increased, there are still some limitations:

  • Unsampled explorations are only available if the query would return more than 1 billion events
  • The user lifetime technique does not support unsampled explorations
  • Unsampled explorations include up to 10,000,000 cells via TSV and CSV exports

API Access Coming Soon

In addition to the interface improvements, Google has announced that access to these enhanced unsampled data capabilities will soon be available through the API as well. This will allow developers and data analysts to programmatically access and integrate unsampled data into their custom reporting and analysis tools.

Key Facts

  • Daily quota increased to 20,000 tokens
  • Per-query token limit raised to 5,000
  • New machine learning-based model for fairer quota charging
  • Immediate availability for all Google Analytics 360 users
  • API access to enhanced unsampled data coming soon

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