Google News Showcase to have non-discriminatory access in Germany

The step towards a non-discriminatory access in Germany results from a proceeding against Google/Alphabet in Bundeskartellamt.

Google News Showcase
Google News Showcase

Bundeskartellamt this week announced Google is working towards providing non-discriminatory access to Google News Showcase. Bundeskartellamt is Germany’s national competition regulatory agency.

Google launched Google News Showcase in 2020, a platform enabling publishers to license content directly to Google, but only for participating publishers. Google says News Showcase delivers more than 10 million visits per month to publishers.

The step towards a non-discriminatory access in Germany results from a proceeding against Google/Alphabet in Bundeskartellamt.

According to Bundeskartellamt, the measures towards providing non-discriminatory access to Google News Showcase will be implemented in the next few weeks. The details of this access are subject to media supervision under the German State Media Treaty.

The Bundeskartellamt says it continue to monitor this development and examine any potential complaints by publishers that have been denied access.