Apple introduces Contingent Pricing for App Store Subscriptions

Developers Can Now Offer Discounted Subscriptions Based on Subscribers' Active Subscriptions.

Apple introduces Contingent Pricing for App Store Subscriptions

Apple this week announced a new feature for the App Store called contingent pricing. This feature allows developers to offer discounted subscription prices to users who are already subscribed to a different subscription, either from the same developer or from another developer.

The goal of contingent pricing is to help developers attract and retain subscribers by giving them a lower price for their app or service. For example, a developer of a fitness app could offer a discounted subscription to their premium features to users who are already subscribed to a popular music streaming service.

Contingent pricing is currently in a pilot program, and Apple is only onboarding a limited number of developers at this time. However, the company expects to roll out the feature to more developers in the coming months.

If you are a developer who is interested in using contingent pricing, you can sign up to be notified when more details are available in January. In the meantime, you can start planning how you might use this feature to your advantage.