Discover Google's new approach to maximise Brand Awareness on YouTube
In a recent test, campaigns that opted into all three inventory types—in-stream, in-feed, and Shorts ads—delivered an average of 54% more reach at 42% lower cost per mille (CPM) than campaigns that utilized in-stream ads only.
Google Ads last month expanded its Video Reach Campaigns (VRC) for Efficient Reach to include in-feed and Shorts ads, giving marketers more ways to reach their target audience across YouTube.
This new feature offers brands the ability to scale their video creative to various formats and inventory types, enabling them to achieve greater reach and efficiency.
In a recent test, campaigns that opted into all three inventory types—in-stream, in-feed, and Shorts ads—delivered an average of 54% more reach at 42% lower cost per mille (CPM) than campaigns that utilized in-stream ads only.
Bayer, a global pharmaceutical company, recently employed VRC for Efficient Reach with in-feed, in-stream, and Shorts ads for its Midol multi-symptom relief campaign. The company aimed to increase brand awareness and engage with a wider audience. By utilizing the new formats, Bayer achieved 30% more reach at a 45% lower CPM compared to a campaign that only used in-stream ads.
To get started with VRC for Efficient Reach and multiformat ads, marketers can visit the Google Ads website and select the "Video" campaign type. From there, they can choose the "VRC for Efficient Reach" campaign subtype and select the desired inventory types.
Video Reach Campaigns (VRC) for Efficient Reach
YouTube has announced the launch of Video Reach Campaigns (VRC) in December 2022, a new campaign type designed to help marketers reach a wider audience and achieve their reach goals. VRCs offer a variety of benefits, including:
- Increased reach: VRCs can help marketers reach more people than ever before, with the potential to reach up to 10x more unique viewers than traditional video campaigns.
- Flexibility: VRCs offer marketers a variety of ways to reach their audience, including in-stream, bumper, and non-skippable in-stream ads, as well as in-feed and Shorts ads.
- Cost-effectiveness: VRCs are designed to be cost-effective, with the potential to deliver results at a lower cost per view than traditional video campaigns.
Who Should Use Video Reach Campaigns
VRCs are a good option for marketers who want to reach a wide audience and achieve reach goals, such as:
- Brand marketers: VRCs can help brand marketers raise awareness of their brand and products.
- Performance marketers: VRCs can help performance marketers drive website traffic, leads, and sales.
- Local businesses: VRCs can help local businesses reach people in their area.
How to Get Started with Video Reach Campaigns
To get started with VRCs, follow these steps:
- Create a new Video campaign in Google Ads.
- Select "VRC for Efficient Reach" as your campaign subtype.
- Choose your targeting criteria.
- Upload your video ads.
- Set your budget.
- Launch your campaign.
Creative Guidelines for Video Reach Campaigns
Here are some guidelines for creating effective video ads for VRCs:
- Keep your videos short and engaging. The ideal length for a VRC video is 15 seconds, but you can also use shorter bumper ads or longer in-stream ads.
- Use high-quality video and audio. Videos should be clear, sharp, and well-lit, and the audio should be clear and audible.
- Use strong visuals and compelling storytelling. Videos should capture the attention of viewers and make them want to learn more about the brand or product.
- Call to action. Make sure videos have a clear call to action, such as visiting the website or making a purchase.