Forrester Consulting study finds 67% of marketers plan to use attention metrics on mobile

Forrester Consulting in December released a study, commissioned by Yieldmo, that investigates how customer attention metrics can improve mobile advertising outcomes.

Forrester Consulting study finds 67% of marketers plan to use attention metrics on mobile

Forrester Consulting in December released a study, commissioned by Yieldmo, that investigates how customer attention metrics can improve mobile advertising outcomes.

The study Attention 2.0: Enhancing Ad Measurement Beyond Clicks & Viewability concluded that 67% of marketers plan to use attention metrics, this means supporting metrics beyond traditional impressions, viewability, and clicks.

The study surveyed retail, automotive and CPG/manufacturing marketers at 164 brands in October 2019, and although 98% of respondents believe attention metrics will drive value for their organizations, less than half of respondents feel confident in their ability to measure granular mobile ad metrics.

Key findings from the study include:

  • 84% of marketers said their organizations are not capable of measuring customer attention with mobile ads today. Even the marketers who claim to measure customer attention today can’t say which metrics they have or how they’re being used;
  • Nearly 80% of marketers are hungry for better customer attention data. Marketing decision-makers are more eager than ever to find new approaches and technology to bolster their understanding of mobile advertising;
  • 98% of respondents believe that attention metrics would drive value for their organizations. 65% of respondents said they would use attention data to retarget inattentive consumers, 62% of respondents said they would pursue understanding frequency delivery by an individual consumer, and 62% said they would pursue enhancing click-through rate by retargeting attentive customers;
  • Brands see multiple ways attention metrics will improve mobile advertising. 67% of marketers plan to use attention metrics to improve retargeting, better gauge and calibrate ad frequency, and enhance click-through rate. More than 50% plan to use attention data to better test creatives, understand brand lift, drive more sales, and demonstrate brand media value;
  • 63% of respondents said they plan to invest in customer attention metrics. 63% of brands indicated they are willing to significantly or slightly increase their investment in capturing customer attention metrics.