Google rolls out 3D Swirl creatives in DV360

3D Swirl creatives run in display, on the ad sizes 300x250, 300x600, and 336x280.

3D Swirl creatives in DV360
3D Swirl creatives in DV360

Google this month started to roll out 3D Swirl creatives in DV360. 3D Swirl creatives are interactive 3D models that work on display placements. Swirl ads only run across Google Ad Manager inventory.

Google says 3D Swirl creatives deliver high impact on brand awareness and purchase intent via a 3D experience. When people see a 3D Swirl ad, they can explore a 3D rendering in a mobile banner by rotating and interacting with different features.

According to Google, 3D Swirl creatives only serve on high bandwidth network traffic. Swirl is available in 3 sizes - 300x250, 300x600, 336x280 - and fullscreen expansion is optional.

Advertisers can see the potential available in the Inventory Availability report. Creative Attributes filtered with Swirl.

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