Google updates ad definitions, hints at expanded placement within search results

Google updates ad definitions, hints at expanded placement within search results

Google's Ads Liaison Twitter account (@adsliaison) last month announced a change to the definition of top ads within Google Search. The update acknowledges the potential placement of ads both above and below organic search results on some searches. This change has prompted speculation about increased intertwining of ads and organic listings.

Previously, "top ads" strictly referred to advertisements appearing above organic search results. The revised definition indicates flexibility, with ads potentially displayed below organic results for specific search queries. Google assures this is part of ongoing experimentation, and ads will continue to appear at the top for the majority of searches.

The news has been met with interest from industry publications such as Search Engine Land, raising questions about whether this signals a larger shift in Google's strategy. Some experts believe a greater intermingling of ads and organic search results could negatively impact the user experience.

In a follow-up tweet, Ads Liaison explained that the updated definition aims to better reflect the current reality of ad placement in Google Search. The company emphasized that ad positioning is dynamic and determined by existing systems.

While the immediate impact of this definitional adjustment may be subtle, it signals Google's willingness to experiment with more diverse ad displays in the ever-evolving search environment. Search engine marketers and users alike will be closely watching to see how Google's approach to ad placement changes in the future.

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