Malformed Bundle IDs plague Connected TV advertising

Bundle IDs are unique identifiers assigned to apps on streaming devices like Roku or Amazon Fire TV.

Malformed Bundle IDs plague Connected TV advertising

Pixalate this week released a report highlighting a significant problem in the Connected TV (CTV) advertising space: malformed and fraudulent Bundle IDs. These malformed IDs disrupt ad targeting, hinder campaign measurement, and open the door to ad fraud, costing advertisers potentially millions of dollars.

Bundle IDs are unique identifiers assigned to apps on streaming devices like Roku or Amazon Fire TV. They play a crucial role in programmatic advertising, the automated buying and selling of ad space. Advertisers rely on Bundle IDs to target specific apps with their campaigns and measure their effectiveness.

The Problem: malformed and fraudulent IDs

According to Pixalate's report, a substantial portion of Bundle IDs used in CTV advertising are malformed or fraudulent. Here's a breakdown of the findings:

  • High Prevalence: Across popular CTV platforms like Roku, Amazon Fire TV, Apple TV, and Samsung Smart TV, the percentage of malformed and fraudulent Bundle IDs ranged from 26% to 67%.
  • Deviation from Best Practices: A significant number of apps are not using the recommended method for app identification – App Store IDs. This further complicates targeting and measurement.

Impact on Advertisers

Malformed Bundle IDs pose a significant threat to advertisers in several ways:

  • Wasted Ad Spend: Ads targeted towards malformed IDs likely reach irrelevant audiences, resulting in wasted money.
  • Inaccurate Measurement: Advertisers cannot accurately measure campaign performance if they lack proper app identification. This makes it difficult to optimize campaigns and assess return on investment (ROI).
  • Increased Risk of Fraud: Fraudulent Bundle IDs can be used to inflate ad traffic and generate fake impressions, further impacting campaign effectiveness.

Sellers exposed and top malformed IDs

The report also identifies sellers most exposed to malformed Bundle IDs based on the percentage of such IDs on their platforms. Additionally, it reveals the top malformed and fraudulent Bundle IDs based on impression volume, providing valuable insights for advertisers.

The path forward

Pixalate's report underscores the need for stricter industry standards and better practices regarding Bundle IDs in CTV advertising. Here are some potential solutions:

  • Standardization: Industry-wide adoption of App Store IDs as the preferred method for app identification would enhance transparency and streamline targeting.
  • Improved Detection: Ad fraud protection platforms like Pixalate can play a crucial role in identifying and filtering out malformed and fraudulent Bundle IDs.
  • Vigilance by Advertisers: Advertisers should be aware of this issue and work with reputable partners to ensure proper targeting and campaign measurement.

Pixalate's report sheds light on a critical issue impacting CTV advertising. By addressing the prevalence of malformed Bundle IDs through industry collaboration and improved detection methods, advertisers can safeguard their investments and ensure effective campaign delivery in the growing CTV market.

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