Mobile SSP VRTCAL launches a $5 million bonus fund to attract new app developers
According to VRTCAL, the bonus fund incentivizes mobile application developers to integrate directly with the VRTCAL Marketplace or through its software development kits (SDKs).
VRTCAL last month launched a $5 million bonus fund to encourage mobile application developers to use its in-app monetization technologies.
According to VRTCAL, the bonus fund incentivizes mobile application developers to integrate directly with the VRTCAL Marketplace or through its software development kits (SDKs).
“Our team is very excited to announce this fund to help mobile app developers,” said VRTCAL president Todd Wooten. “A lot of challenges have happened in our sector related to increased user privacy and changing economics. Many mobile apps are facing headwinds and this fund will help them transition in the right direction toward a more privacy compliant and improved in-app monetization model.”
App publishers do not need to install VRTCAL’s SDK, as the access to the bonus fund can be done via JS tag, VAST tag, Server-to-Server connection, Prebid or RTB Bidder.
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